Strategic plan


Our values ​​are:

1. Mutual aid;

2. Honest relationships;

3. Meaning in life; 

4. Love;

5. Health;

6. Appreciation – gratefulness, good reputation, the Nobel Prize;

7. Development – career, financial well-being,  self-improvement;

8. Equality – equal rights and responsibilities;

9. Leading by personal ? example

10. The world as a better place to live;

11. Belief in own abilities.



 “Chovekolubie” assosiation is a social organization working for  the development of human potential and for affirmation of mental health as a value for individuals and society.

Our organization executes marketing, consulting, training, informative, rehabilitative and economic activity.



1. Аssistance and protection of persons with mental health problems, in the form of training and support for  individual dealing with problems and personal spiritual growth;

2. Increasing psychological literacy of society;

3. Recognition of Mental Health Center “Chovekolubie” as a center for spiritual awakening, awareness of human values ​​and the promotion of international experience in mental health problems.



 4.1.Centerfor Mental Health

4.2. Center for social rehabilitation and integration of people with mental health problems with the following programs:

4.2.1. Social Club – organizational meetings; Support group; 3.? Group for honest relationships; Chess club; Group for study English; Time for love; Working-bee; Video club; Barber Shops; Tourism – organizing excursions and vacations; Organization of holidays;

4.2.2. Program “Civil education and schooling “;

4.2.3. Program “Rehabilitation of domestic skills” – club “Tasty”, group home cleaning, group yard maintainance;

4.2.4. Program “Social Dining”

4.2.5. Program “Healthy Living”;

4.2.6. Program “Occupational Rehabilitation” – production of souvenirs, shop for honey and bee products, kiosk for snacks;

4.2.7. Program “Find a Job”;

4.2.8. Program “Working with the family”;

4.2.9. Office for counseling;

4.2.10. Library with? psychological literature;

4.2.11. Training programs – Coaching social skills, Language courses;

4.2.12. Art therapy – experimental theater

4.2.13. Preparatory Program – Rehabilitation and integration in the? homes

4.2.14. Public Relations



5.1. Renewal of contract for use of the house of Dr. Long, plots for vegetable garden and the assignment of social service ” Center for social rehabilitation and socialization”

5.1.1. Report of positive facts;

5.1.2. Plan for the future (2009/2019 ?);

5.1.3. Organizational activities;

5.1.4. Lobbying;

5.1.5. Joint activities with other organizations;

5.1.6. Repairs;

5.1.7. Advertising

5.2. Increase the number of financial sources:

5.2.1. New projects;

5.2.2. Additional financing of the activities from Pazardzhik Municipality;

5.2.3. New services;

5.2.4. Donation bank

5.3. Improving the relationship with the target group:

5.3.1. Informing the community;

5.3.2. Access to Regional Council for Mental Health;

5.3.3. Working with SPH (State Psychiatric Hospital);

5.3.4. Feedback – GPs and psychiatrists;

5.3.5. Improving the relationship with the target group in the Center.

5.4. Description of our ideology and practice: discussion on the structure and content.

5.5. Overcoming consumerism in the target group

– Discussions on the topic;

– Organisational measures;

– Changes in regulations – “who does not rehabilitate, shall not receive benefits.”



6.1. Weekly organizational meeting;

6.2. Illustrating;

6.3. Person in charge;

6.4. Ad-hoc meetings when is necessary;

6.5. Board with deadlines;

6.6. Monthly meeting for review and planning.